Hi, I'm Caleb!
My mother tells me that from the time I could talk, I had a gift for connecting with people. She vividly remembers when I was 2-years-old walking right up to strangers with a big smile and saying, ‘I’m Caybee, I ‘mart!’ (I’m Caleb, I’m smart— repeating the words she had taught me countless times). I was curious, loving, joyful… but life wasn’t always so kind to me.
20 years of domestic violence, relentless school bullies, and life-threatening food allergies all worked to convince me of a lie. Snuffing out my gift of connection and leading me to become someone I was not. For years, I believed the lie and truly thought that I was simply a shy and timid person, living every day in constant fear of making a mistake. This affected everything, my relationships, my education, my outlook on the future. I tried so many jobs — retail, food service, teaching, interpreting, delivery — but nothing ever fit. Nothing ever made me feel alive. And then I found something I was really excited about… becoming a professional illusionist.

I was fascinated with the art of illusions and sleight-of-hand (and I still am!). I threw myself into learning, connecting with other professionals all over the world, perfecting my craft, and performing countless card tricks for my poor, patient younger siblings. And I began to make progress. I was named the Best Live Entertainer in my hometown of Charlotte, North Carolina, and I was even flown out to Las Vegas as a featured performer on the National TV show Penn & Teller: Fool Us… and I WON!
And as I learned more and more how to excel in the art of illusions, I found that the principles of performance and becoming great as an illusionist apply to all sorts of professional and personal aspirations. When I performed, people didn’t just marvel at the tricks - they marveled at me. They’d say, “Wow, you get to do what you love!’ or ask me, ‘How do you get to do this - did you just... go for it?” My friends started opening up about how they felt stuck professionally, which affected them personally as well, and I started finding ways to help them.
I learned how to leverage the skills and concepts I'd developed as a professional illusionist, all while leaning into my gift of connecting. The magic tricks are no longer just for fun & jaw-dropping moments, they're now a metaphor and a visceral connection-point to help those who feel stuck see new possibilities, break through their limiting beliefs, and take action toward the life they were made for. And when they realize how to overcome what has been holding them back, that's when they have the jaw-dropping moments that really matter.
Today, by the grace of God, I'm walking out my own freedom, learning every day how to live in less and less fear, more and more peace, joy, and hope and pursuing my own "impossible" goals with confidence. And I have the privilege of helping others break through the “illusions” holding them back so they can excel in their professional and personal lives - because life’s too short to be stuck in an illusion.

You have an amazing purpose and I can't wait for you to step into it!